Join us for Worship!
Worship is available in person daily. Follow the WORSHIP tab above to get the schedule of masses and daily prayer.
Virtual Worship & Daily Prayer is available through live stream via the links below:
St. Paul’s is seeking a part-time Sexton (also known as Church Custodian) & Facilities Manager. The position is responsible for maintaining a high standard of cleanliness and readiness of Church facilities, grounds, and buildings. This is an essential staff role in support of the work and ministry of St. Paul’s by helping to create a welcoming and safe environment for parishioners, guests, and staff. CLICK ON THE BOX BELOW TO FIND OUT MORE & APPLY.

Giving at St. Paul's
If you would like to make an offering to the church, please join Realm, our online giving community, here.
Flower & Candle Donations
✠ About St. Paul's ✠
We all need Connections
If you are in the Savannah area, come join us, and allow us to benefit from the grace God makes manifest in you.
The earliest Christians found in Jesus more than a convincing preacher and teacher. From him they learned to identify themselves as the body of Christ – His living extension. This identification is the root by which we build connections and a sense of belonging which results in community.
In Christ Jesus we are called into a new sort of community. One which recognizes that we are “members of one another,” Sisters and Brothers relying on God’s gift of faith, hope, and love.
At St. Paul’s we constantly hope to foster just this sort of community. Even though we meet in a “church,” our worship and common life extend beyond its walls. We need you. Your gifts can bring life and light. Together with divine grace we can become what God desires.
By committing to the deepening of our discipleship and adopting a spiritual community, we can live into the challenges of the present time. Learning to bear one another’s burdens, and to walk through life together in order to be Christ to all people.
As a Collegiate Church, we are a parish that maintains a cooperative model of ministry which employs the many capabilities of the baptized in the pursuit of God’s mission. Our parish maintains the classic round of worship commended by the Book of Common Prayer. We offer a variety of unique services including a Said Mass, a Sung Mass, Misa en Espanol, and a contemplative Evening Mass on Sundays. In addition we maintain the daily celebration of Mass and Morning and Evening Prayer, except on Saturday.
As Children of God committed to deepening our life with Christ, we see the diversity of our religious histories, interests, and cultures as one of our strengths as a parish family. We believe the Episcopal Church allows us to fruitfully pursue this goal. Primarily we are part of this community because we find Jesus Christ in our worship, in our fellowship, and in our ministry and service to others.
Click on the following links if you would like to learn more about the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia, the Episcopal Church, the Anglican Communion or What Anglicans Believe.